(カトーサイクル様主催・豊田市 “昭和の森” 新春サイクルミーティング????が開催されました。)
Mr. Tajima, “Eroica Japan” Chubu/Kansai Area Branch Manager, reported on his participation in the New Year’s Ride.
January 3, 2024 ??? at “Aichi Prefecture Ryokka Center Showa-no-mori” (Aichi Prefecture Ryokka Center, Showa Forest)
(New Year Cycle Meeting??? was held at “Showa-no-mori” in Toyota City, sponsored by Kato Cycle.)

今年の5月に開催するエロイカジャパン10周年記念大会のプロモーション活動も兼ねて、私もエロイカジャパン”中部・関西エリア支部” 代表で参加させて頂きました‼
Excerpt from an interview with Mr. Tajima?.
“On the day of the meeting, we enjoyed a 10:00 a.m. meeting [fender-bikers-only ride] .
I also participated in the event to promote the Eroica Japan 10th anniversary event to be held in May this year.
Participation was free and the prize draw was exciting.
It is a traditional event of Kato Cycle, which has been held more than 30 times in the past.
I would love to participate again next spring, but if I talk about next year now ? will the demons laugh?

Started preparations for Mr. M’s participation in Eroica Japan’s “10th Anniv.”.???
Eroica Japan 10th Anniversary Commemorative Event on May 11-12, 2024! ????
We will once again host the event on the picturesque Izu Peninsula! ⛰??
On May 11th, we invite cyclists of all kinds, including those with the latest modern bikes, to join the Eroica Family Ride.
【※Please note that wearing a helmet is mandatory for Eroica Japan. Participants without helmets will not be allowed to take part‼】
Experience the rich history of the Izu Peninsula!
Preparations are underway for the event, so mark your calendars and join us for an unforgettable cycling experience!