

2024年4月6-7日開催のサイクルモード東京2024ビンテージBIKEマーケットこちらのアンケートの回答画面をスタッフに見せると、もれなくエロイカジャパン特製ポストカードと豪華プレゼントのくじを1回引いていただけます。回答者の中から抽選で6名にKEIRIN特製タオル マフラー  / 2名にカンパニョーロキーホルダー、2名に「ギザッロ 教会マドンナメダルバッジ」を1名にカンパニョーロ純正壁掛け時計をご進呈!

※ 先に本アンケートに回答して当日会場に来る方は、アンケート回答後に表示される画面か、そのスクリーンショットをスタッフに提示して下さい。上記のいずれかが提示できない方は現場でもう一度回答が必要になります。
※本アンケート回答者でエロイカジャパンのSNS(インスタグラム/Facebook/ツイッター)に登録している方は、もう1回くじを引けますので、 回答後にフォロー画面をスタッフに提示して下さい。
#eroicajapan #エロイカジャパン

★ Maximum 3 lottery draws possible! ★You can try a special survey to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Eroica Japan atCycle Mode Tokyo 2024 

Cycle Mode Tokyo 2024 Vintage Bike Market held on April 6-7, 2024, participate in this survey and show the response screen to the staff to receive an exclusive Eroica Japan postcard and a chance to draw a luxurious prize once. Among the respondents, 6 winners will receive a KEIRIN special towel scarf / 2 winners will get a Campagnolo key holder, 2 winners will receive a “Ghisallo Church Madonna Medal Badge”, and 1 winner will be presented with a Campagnolo genuine wall clock!

★ Please read carefully ★
Even if you respond to the survey, those who do not attend the Cycle Mode Tokyo 2024 Vintage Bike Market on April 6-7 will not receive the prizes. Also, the survey may end when the prizes run out.
※ For those who respond to this survey first and then come to the venue on the day, please present the screen or screenshot that appears after completing the survey to the staff. Those who cannot provide either of the above will need to answer the survey again on-site.
※ Those who respond to this survey and are registered on Eroica Japan’s SNS (Instagram/Facebook/Twitter) can draw the lottery once more. After responding, please show the follow-up screen to the staff on the day.
※ Those who are not following can follow the SNS after responding to the survey through the displayed screen.
★ Those who share/post with the following tags on any of the above SNS platforms can draw the lottery once more. Please show the posting screen to the staff on the day.
#eroicajapan #エロイカジャパン

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