「Eroioca Japan 2023 in Izu」のボランティアでご活躍頂いたY氏から上記のメッセージ&素敵な画像が到着しました!狩野川沿いの”ストラーデ・ビアンケ” をヴィンテージバイクで優雅に走る試走風景をお楽しみ下さい。
Last week, I rode along the Kano River on a pre-war bicycle.????
We received a message and delightful images from Mr. Y, who actively volunteered for ‘Eroica Japan 2023 in Izu.’ Enjoy the picturesque scenes of vintage bikes gracefully riding along the ‘Strade Bianche’ of the Kano River, representing gravel and unpaved paths.
※ストラーデビアンケとは、イタリア語で「白い道」という意味で、グラベル(砂利道、未舗装路)区間を示します。”Strade Bianche” translates to “white roads” in Italian, indicating gravel and unpaved pathways.

狩野川から見上げる美しい富士山の雪化粧⛰⛰⛰The beautiful snow-capped Mount Fuji seen from the Kano River.

狩野川ライド、遮るものがなにもない豊かな空間を感じます。 ”Heart and body are liberated in the expansive space!”
Eroica Japan 10th Anniversary Commemorative Event on May 11-12, 2024! ????
Next year, we will once again host the event on the picturesque Izu Peninsula! ⛰??
On May 11th, we invite cyclists of all kinds, including those with the latest modern bikes, to join the Eroica Family Ride.
【※Please note that wearing a helmet is mandatory for Eroica Japan. Participants without helmets will not be allowed to take part‼】
Experience the rich history of the Izu Peninsula!
Preparations are underway for the event, so mark your calendars and join us for an unforgettable cycling experience!

試走お疲れさまでした? コナステイ伊豆長岡の広い玄関、クリスマスツリーが迎えてくれました。
Great job on the trial run! ? Konastei Izu Nagaoka welcomed us with its spacious entrance and a Christmas tree.