Eroica Japan 2023 Regulations
This regulation is put forward by EX Planning Co., Ltd. (licensed by L’EROICA S.R.L. as the organizer of Eroica Japan), representing matters to be observed by the participants of Eroica Japan 2023.
1. General Event Matters}
① As enshrined in the Eroica (“Hero”) event name, overcoming hardship through one’s efforts is a central tenet of Eroica, and participants are expected to uphold this ethos. Eroica is not a race based on finishing time or order, but is intended as an enjoyable riding event which is memorable for cyclists, and we’re keen for participants to enjoy a safe event while taking in the magnificent scenery, food and culture of Izu Peninsula.
② Participants are expected to understand the regulations put forward by the organizer (as set forth in this document) and to consent in advance to abide by these rules prior to participation. Failure to abide by these rules may result in disqualification.
③ Participants are expected to observe notices from the organizer, as well as other distributed materials and updated information provided on the Eroica Japan official homepage. The organizer may change rules and regulations without prior notice. Any such changes will be posted on the Eroica Japan official homepage. In the event of any inconsistencies, information contained in the Eroica Japan official homepage shall take precedence. ④ Participants must be enrolled in bicycle insurance inclusive of third party liability insurance, and be responsible for their own safety and well-being. Foreign participants are asked to ensure that they are enrolled in insurance that is valid in Japan.
⑤ Participants should be mindful of the fact that the event venue represents roads used by local citizens, and are asked to be mindful and observant of traffic laws.
⑥ Event Details – Event Date: May 13, 2023 8am through May 14, 2023 8pm – Event Name: Eroica Japan 2023 – Participants: maximum of 300 riders for the Eroica Ride – Event Main Location: Eroica Village at West Entrance of Shuzenji Station (633 Kashiwakubo, Izu City, Shizuoka Prefecture) – During the event period, Eroica Village will host the Eroica Festival, which will be comprised of Eroica Marche (bicycles, parts and accessories), Eroica Seminar (talk show providing information on bicycles and promoting cycling), Concours d’Elegance (vintage bicycle contrst) and Eroica Japan Ride (which will start and finish at this site). There is no admission charge for Eroica Village. – Eroica Japan Ride is comprised of 2 rides: a) the Brooks England presents Cambium ride (“Cambium Ride”) to be held on May 13, which can be ridden with any modern bicycle including road bikes, cross bikes, eBikes, mini velos and mountain bikes; and b) the Eroica Ride, to be held on May 14, to be ridden with “Bici Eroica” which are vintage bicycles and modern steel vintage-style bicycles. – To promote camaraderie among Eroica Ride participants, we will hold the Ciao Eroica pre-ride festival in the evening of May 13, and a post-ride Eroica Party in the evening of May 14in recognition of the participants’ achievements. As part of the Eroica Festival, we will also hold the Last Man Standing event. – The volunteer staff supporting the event are referred to as Eroica Japan Crew.
① Contact Information Eroica Japan Organizer “Corsa Corsa”Tel:+81369147070 FAX: +81364128626 LINE: Contact on Event Day 080-4100-0202Official Site: 2. Registration ① Registration Period: March 17 to April 26 ② Registration Method: Access and register at MY EROICA, followed by selection of your desired ride for Eroica Japan 2023 withinMy EROICA.MY EROICA Registration Site: ③ The Eroica Japan Participation Fee The Participation Fee is inclusive of a bicycle number plate, participant jersey number, route book (stamp book), aid station food and drinks, food/drink tickets for the pre and post tide event*, souvenir* and certificate of completion* (asterisks applicable only to Eroica Ride).

④ Payment Method
A credit card is required at the time of My Eroica registration. To the extent the use of a credit card is an issue, please contact the Eroica Japan Organizer.
⑤ The participation fee for the Ciao Eroica pre-ride festival is ¥2,500 (tax included). We ask those wishing to participate to register at the time of ride registration.
⑥ We are unable to offer a refund for subsequent cancellation under any circumstances. Falsification of age and the participation of anyone other than the registered person is also not permitted and may result in the inability to participate in subsequent events.
⑦ There will be a check-in to ensure mechanical safety and promote Route understanding. An eCheck form can be completed pre-ride (via PDF or Google Form). For those who have registered through My Eroica, an e-mail (or LINE) notification will be sent to you in min April, with the eCheck form to be completed and returned to the Organizer via e-mail/LINE or fax. For those who have not registered through My Eroica or those with questions, pleasecontact the Organizer. ⑧ Registration will be complete upon receipt of the “Completion of eCheck” notification from the Organizer. The Organizer may request a re-submission when the eCheck form appears to be incomplete. ⑨ To ensure a safe ride, the eCheck form includes a mechanical check form. The form can be handed to your local bike shop as a checklist for their signature, or self-completed and signed. ⑩ For those who are not able to electronically submit the eCheck for any reason, the form can be handed over at the event venue check-in counter by 3pm on May 13 (but not May 14). To avoid last-minute issues, we do encourage electronic submission in advance. To the extent the eCheck is not submitted with a signature, the services of the official mechanic at the venue must be utilized at a cost of JPY 4,400. Also, to the extent appropriate bicycle insurance has not been obtained, event participation is not possible without obtaining such insurance (available at local convenience stores). 3. Day of the Event ① The Eroica Ride check-in occurs on the previous date, May 13. Eroica Tide participants must present personal identification (such as a driver’s license) by 5pm on May 12, and receive their bicycle number plate, participant jersey number, route book (stamp book) and souvenirs. Check-in is not available on May 14. Those who are not in a position to check-in on May 13 may contact the organizer. ※Please provide a driver’s license, passport, My Number Card or other photo identification. ② Check-in for theBROOKS ENGLANDpresents Cambium Ride is from 8am to 10am on May 13. As with the Eroica Ride, please present photo identification (such as a driver’s license) at the check-in counter and receive your bicycle number plate, participant jersey number, route book (stamp book) and event pamphlet. ③ While a shorter route may be selected at check-in, it’s possible that we may not be able to accommodate food at the aid station as a result. Also, please inform the Eroica Japan Crew to the extent you change your chosen route during your ride. ④ An Event Briefing to confirm the route and points of caution will be held at the location/time noted below. Participants are strongly encouraged to attend the briefing.

④ An Event Briefing to confirm the route and points of caution will be held at the location/time noted below. Participants are strongly encouraged to attend the briefing. Briefing venue:The Crank : Kashiwakubo 550-1 Izu-city Shizuoka pref ⑤ We ask participants to gather from 20 minutes prior to their start time. Participants will start individually, as instructed by the Eroica Japan Crew. ⑥ Participants who do not make their start time will not be able to participate, and entry fees will not be refunded.

⑦ Events at Eroica Village (no entrance fee)

⑧ Ciao Eroica Pre-Ride Festival 5pm to 7pm on May 13 at The Crank to foster camaraderie. Registration in advance required, participation fee of JPY 2,500 (tax included). ⑨ Eroica Party Post-Ride Festival 3pm to 8pm on May 14 at West Entrance of Shuzenji Station for Eroica Ride participants. No pre-registration required. ⑩ Participants requiring parking may make use of parking provided by the Organizer or available local parking. Some accommodations may be available to provide parking until the end of the event (please confirm with your hotel as required). Participants are expected to make their own way to the start location. 4. During the Ride ① During the ride, participants should observe laws and regulations, while also obeying guidance provided by the Organizer, eEvent Staff, Eroica Japan Crew and security on the route and at aid stations. ② Participants should ride safely and observe traffic rules, while also being mindful of surrounding traffic. ③ A verbal warning may be issued where dangerous riding is observed or guidance provided by Event Staff is not followed. Failure to remediate may result in instructions to cease riding. ④ Participants should come prepared with an understanding of the route, turns, aid stations, checkpoints, time limit and any guidance for their chosen course. ⑤ Where participants are involved in an accident, injured or observe such situations, they must inform Event Staff. Where Event Staff are not nearby, please reach out to Event Headquarters via LINE or telephone. ⑥ Participants must wear helmets (which are mandated by law from April 2023). Bicycles not fulfilling the safety standards of the traffic laws will not be permitted to participate. ⑦ The following situations will lead to disqualification. – Using another participant’s jersey number – Using a copy of another participant’s jersey number – Inappropriate behavior and verbal abuse towards other participants and Event Staff – Disposal of garbage other than as authorized – Use of toilets other than designated locations – Riding while intoxicated – Possession or use of illegal substances – Failure to observe traffic signs and laws – Actions of danger to others – Destruction of public or private property – Any actions that cause harm to others or any violations as noted above may result in the Organizer reaching out to law enforcement. 5. Participation Requirements ① Physical ability to complete the chosen route at approximately the suggested time. Ability to ride safely and exercise prudent judgment.

※Includes tine spent at aid stations. ② All terms and conditions of this regulation must be observed. ③ For the A and B route, over 18 years of age, able to be responsible for their ride, and with experience in having previously completed a ride of similar length. ④ For the C and E route, over 15 years of age, able to be responsible for their ride. 15 year olds must be accompanied by a parent/guardian or someone in a position of responsibility, while those under 18 must have a consent form signed by a parent/guardian. ⑤ For the D and F route, over 12 years of age, able to be responsible for their ride. Those under 15 year of age must be accompanied by a parent/guardian or someone in a position of responsibility, while those under 18 must have a consent form signed by a parent/guardian. ⑥ Bicycle Requirements for Route A through D is Bici Eroica, representing vintage bicycles made through 1987 and modern bicycles conforming to the following specifications. For vintage bicycles: (A) Components: no restrictions around brand and vintage, but must feature down tube shifters or earlier shifting systems. (B) Pedals: a non-binding (i.e. not clipless) pedal, featuring toe clips and toe straps. (C) Brake Cables: as a general rule should be exposed outside the handlebar, but not required for aero brakes manufactured through 1987. (D) Wheels: At least 32 spokes, no restrictions on size, but can’t be carbon fiber. (E) Tires: Clinchers or tubulars. (F) Saddle: either original or vintage-type. ⑦ For Route A through D, vintage-type modern bicycle (built after 1988). Bicycles built after 1988 are eligible as long as they conform to Bici Eroica standards. Those who are physically-challenged and unable to ride a Bici Eroica bicycle are requested to contact the Organizer. ⑧ For Route A through D, attire should be vintage or vintage-type, in keeping with the vintage spirit of the event. Helmets must conform to the traffic laws. ⑨ For Route E and F: “BROOKS ENGLAND presents Cambium Ride” is a Fun Ride open to all to promulgate the Eroica spirit embraced by L’eroica™. Inclusive of modern disk brakes and eBikes, the event is open to all bicycles meeting the safety standards stipulated in the traffic laws. Likewise, there are generally no stipulations around attire. 6. Bicycle Maintenance, Tools and Mechanical Trouble ① The Organizer will bear no responsibility for theft or damage to bicycles. Participants are encouraged to use bike locks as required, along with insurance that cover such situations. Event Staff will not be in a position to take possession of participants’ bicycles, except as stipulated below. ② For those participants making use of shuttle bus services between Eroica Village and Izu Nagaoka on May 13 and May 14, overnight bicycle storage will be provided as outlined詳細はお問い合わせください。 ③ The participant jersey number serves as a participant registration number as well, such that participants are expected to have these pinned to their attire at all times. ④ Those who are without or have lost their helmets, bicycle number plate or participant jersey number will not be able to participate. ⑤ Participants are generally expected to attend to their own flat tires and mechanical trouble, and are expected to carry appropriate tools, air pump and spare tires. ⑥ Participants should also have attire in preparation for cold or wet weather. ⑦ Please carry your health insurance card, cellular phone and money to address unexpected situations. ⑧ While food and drinks are provided at the aid station, to address the possibility of shortages, participants are encouraged to also have their own supply of nutrition and drinks. ⑨ In the event of mechanical trouble, participants are asked to get off the road and undertake repairs at a safe location. ⑩ Where a participant is not in a position to undertake their own repairs, please inform the closest Event Staff. ⑪ Services of a mechanic are available at the start venue and some aid stations, for a fee. 7. Route, Aid Stations, Checkpoints and Retirement ① Route guidance is provided through Ride with GPS Each of the routes can be checked using the QR code provided in the Route Book. Route data can also be accessed below. Participants are encouraged to download the Ride with GPS application below, and become acquainted with its use in advance. The use of Eroica Japan Official LINE and providing location information in the event of emergency can be done with ease wuth the use of the Official Eroica Japan LINE site. Registering with Eroica Japan Official LINE will allow for communications and the receipt of event updates, in addition to use in emergency circumstances. LINE phone calls are also a feature of the application. How location information is notified by LINE Information with LIFE360 (App store and Google play) ② Left and right turns as well as junctures will be clearly marked with arrows on telephone poles. Guide signs will be visible 500 meters before turns and junctures, and also within 500 meters after such locations. The guide signs will be color-codes based on the 4 colors as noted below. Participants are encouraged to confirm the color of their jersey number, corresponding to a specific route. ③ Each route has aid stations, which are available per the timeframe noted below.

※CP refers to check points, where route book stamps must be obtained as proof of route completion.
④ Time Limits: to ensure a safe ride, participants must depart the Sarashina Pass Parking Lot by 5:30pm, or Axis Katsuragi by 4:00pm. Does unable to make the time limit can curtail their ride and avail themselves by using the Route Closure Car.
⑤ To demonstrate that checkpoints and specified routes have been covered, stamps must be obtained and placed on appropriate places in the route book. All stamps must be obtained to evidence route completion.
⑥ Retirements
– As noted at1-①, the Eroica spirit embraces overcoming adversity, but we recognize that physical disorders or other situations may compel a participant to retire at their own volition. Should such a decision be made, participants are requested to inform the Organizer or Event Staff via Official LINE or phone at their earliest convenience. As a general rule, participants will only be transported via the Route Closure Car.
⑦ For emergency communication with the Organizer, please use the Official LINE which enables prompt communication of location information.
8. Covid-19 Measures
① Given government announcements that Covid-19 will be classified equivalent to the seasonal flu effective May 8, 2023, measures for Eroica Japan 2023 shall be congruent to policies promulgated by the government’s Covid-19 Task Force on November 19, 2021 and subsequently updated on February 10, 2023.
② The use of masks outdoors will be a matter of personal judgment and will not be enforced.
③ We request your cooperation around the usage of masks indoors (such as during the pre-ride festival) while noting this to be a matter of personal judgment that will not be enforced.
④ Body temperatures shall be provided at the time of check-in. To the extent a temperature above 37.5 degrees Celsius is noted, a negative Covid test result must be provided or participation will be declined without entry fee reimbursement.
⑤ Proof of vaccination will not be sought at check-in.
⑥ The Organizer shall maintain a list of participants and be in a position to contact everyone.
⑦ The Organizer will continue to encourage the avoidance of enclosed spaces, social distancing, washing hand and adequate ventilation.
9. Disclaimers and Personal Information
① The Organizer may unilaterally cancel, halt, change routes or shorten routes where the possibility of an unlikely dangerous situation such as an earthquake, flooding, strong winds, snow, thunderstorm, incident, accident, infections, military J-Alert or terrorism is noted.
② Where such deterioration in the weather, adverse riding conditions or Covid-19 infections occur which are beyond the control of the Organizer arises, forcing the route to be cancelled, halted, changed or shortened, participation fees will not be refunded.
③ Except in the event of willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the Organizer, compensation for any injuries or accidents of participants will be limited to insurance coverage taken out by the Organizer to cover such situations.
④ Any damage or theft of bicycles, helmets and attire will be outside of the insurance coverage obtained by the Organizer, such that participants are requested to obtain coverage for such situations as required.
⑤ Participants will be responsible for addressing any injuries which may occur during the event.
⑥ The Organizer recognizes the importance of protecting personal information, and will treat such information in accordance with the Personal Privacy Law and other related regulations. For the purposes of improving the quality of service provided to participants, personal information will be used to transmit event notices, records and other related information, as well as information on upcoming events, along with information on services provided by event sponsors and other supporting organizations. Also, the Organizer or those entrusted by the Organizer may contact planned participants to confirm details of their registration.
⑦ Photography: during the event, photographs and videos will be taken at the venue (Eroica Village) and on the routes. Participants and their parties may be subjects and appear on the homepage, SNS (including internet and media) of Eroica Japan and Eroica CC. Copyright to such footage shall reside with Eroica Japan and Eroica CC.
First draft enacted March 12, 2023.